VR galleryVR gallery

VR gallery Art / Space

Immersively explore the VR gallery in 3D
Rotate 360° or zoom in/out the exhibits
Delicate and finely crafted exhibits can be viewed as if in your hand
You will experience Museum/Gallery greater than the real

Experience the VR gallery

App installation to your smartphone is required

VR gallery space

Google Play で手に入れよう
Download on the App Store

Quick Start Guide

Install the app
Install the app
Create an account
Create an account
Enter your Email address → Enter verification code → Create a password
Login to the app
Login to the app
Select a gallery and login

Want to Use the VR Gallery?

The Gallery view is in 360°
Feel free to contact us


The cruise ship hospitality tour initiative was published in the Akita Kai Shimpo.
Akita Sakigake Shinpo
We held an Akita Port cruise ship hospitality tour using a VR gallery.
Akita Port Cruise Ship Hospitality Tour
10/29 (Sat) Exhibit at Minatomirai Station Event “Yokohama SDGs Festival”
11/18(Fri) ~ 20(Sun) Exhibit at “39th Kougei Expo in Akita”
Takes place at Akita Arts Theatre Mil Has and Area Nakaichi Akitabiiki Gallery